Saturday, October 03, 2009

Eco living - More about Ducks

The duck house I made at Tombreck during the winter is now in full use. The ducks seem to be perfectly happy there (they have their own bath and a big pond not far away) and they usually produce an egg each a day. They are some eggs too! Rich and with a beautiful golden yolk. They usually lay them in a handy little clutch too...

They are good fun to watch waddling and quacking about in their compound. They eat lots of pests and, as they have webbed feet, they don't scratch up the ground like chickens. Their big treat of the day is when they are let out in the morning and get the slugs collected from the polytunnel the night before. They come charging down the ramp when hatch is opened and chomp up their slugs like gourmands at a banquet. If they feel threatened at all they hide in the undergrowth and stay still - ha ha! no one can see us now...

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