Sunday, June 20, 2010


Read Mark Boyle's book if you can - you can get here from Cygnus - click here. It's brilliant: inspiring, funny, informative, thought provoking and based on thinking honestly, making a practical response to all this stuff and doing what you believe is right. Even if we can't all go to Mark's extremes, he's a living example of what's possible. Having spent a few weeks in tents and caravans in wet autumns and cold winters I have huge respect for how tough in body and mind the man must be and for the energy he has.

Also he's pretty canny, he had built up an excellent network for advice and for bartering for his needs before he started and many might struggle to make those kinds of connection. But all of us fossil fuel users will be forced to make huge changes eventually. The sooner we make changes the easier they will be and there's some things we can all do pretty easily.
It's worth reading just for the heart warming description of his Freeconomy Feastival in 2009 - Mark's free three-course feast for hundreds of people and one-day free festival which received tremendous support from all sorts of people. We can do so much when we put our heart's into it!

Check out Mark's blog on the Guardian website.

Thanks Mark! You've helped to power me up again for my next chapter just when I was hitting a deep low.

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